2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
common :
time :
unknown : "unknown"
future : "future"
just_now : "just now"
seconds_ago : "{}s ago"
minutes_ago : "{}m ago"
hours_ago : "{}h ago"
days_ago : "{}d ago"
weeks_ago : "{}week(s) ago"
months_ago : "{}month(s) ago"
years_ago : "{}year(s) ago"
reactions :
like : "Like"
love : "Love"
laugh : "Laugh"
hmm : "Hmm...?"
surprise : "Wow"
congrats : "Congrats!"
2017-05-28 20:12:22 +09:00
angry : "Angry"
confused : "Confused"
pudding : "Pudding"
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
2017-04-04 20:45:35 +09:00
input-message-here : "Enter message here"
send : "Send"
delete : "Delete"
loading : "Loading"
ok : "OK"
2017-04-02 03:47:50 +09:00
update-available : "New version of Misskey is now available({newer}, current is {current}). Reload page to apply update."
2017-04-02 03:34:36 +09:00
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
tags :
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-messaging-form :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
attach-from-local : "Attach file from your pc"
attach-from-drive : "Attach file from the drive"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-messaging :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
search-user : "Find a user"
you : "You"
no-history : "No history"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-messaging-message :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
is-read : "Read"
deleted : "This message has been deleted"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-messaging-room :
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
empty : "No conversations"
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
resize-form : "Drag to resize"
new-message : "New message"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-authorized-apps :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
no-apps : "No apps"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-error :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
title : "Cannot connect to the server"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
description : "インターネット回線に問題があるか、サーバーがダウンまたはメンテナンスしている可能性があります。しばらくしてから再度お試しください。"
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
thanks : "Thank you for using Misskey."
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-forkit :
open-github-link : "View source on Github"
mk-poll-editor :
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
no-only-one-choice : "You need to enter two or more choice."
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
choice-n : "Choice {}"
remove : "Remove this choice"
add : "+ Add a choice"
destroy : "Destroy this poll"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-poll :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
vote-to : "Vote to 「{}」"
vote-count : "{} votes"
total-users : "{} users voted"
vote : "Vote"
show-result : "Show result"
voted : "Voted"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-reaction-picker :
choose-reaction : "Pick your reaction"
mk-signin :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
username : "Username"
password : "Password"
signing-in : "Signing in..."
signin : "Sign in"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-signup :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
username : "Username"
checking : "Checking..."
available : "Available"
unavailable : "Unavailable"
error : "Network error"
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
invalid-format : "Only use letters, numbers and -."
too-short : "Please enter at least 3 letters! "
too-long : "Please enter within 20 letters."
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
password : "Password"
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
password-placeholder : "We recommend more than 8 letters."
weak-password : "Weak"
normal-password : "So so"
strong-password : "Strong"
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
retype : "Type again"
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
retype-placeholder : "Confirm your password"
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
password-matched : "OK"
password-not-matched : "Not matched"
recaptcha : "Verify"
create : "Create an Account"
2017-04-01 05:58:45 +09:00
some-error : "Account creation failed for some reason. Please try again."
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-special-message :
new-year : "Happy New Year!"
christmas : "Merry Christmas!"
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
mk-stream-indicator :
connecting : "Connecting"
reconnecting : "Reconnecting"
connected : "Connected"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-twitter-setting :
description : "お使いのTwitterアカウントをお使いのMisskeyアカウントに接続しておくと、プロフィールでTwitterアカウント情報が表示されるようになったり、Twitterを用いた便利なサインインを利用できるようになります。"
2017-04-01 06:08:13 +09:00
connected-to : "You to connected this Twitter account"
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
detail : "Detail..."
reconnect : "Reconnect"
connect : "Connect to Twitter"
disconnect : "Disconnect"
2017-03-31 23:33:43 +09:00
mk-uploader :
2017-04-01 04:33:25 +09:00
waiting : "Waiting"
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
desktop :
tags :
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-base-contextmenu :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
create-folder : "Create a folder"
upload : "Upload a file"
url-upload : "Upload from a URL"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-window :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
used : "used"
drive : "Drive"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
search : "Search"
load-more : "Load more"
empty-draghover : "Drop Welcome!"
empty-drive : "Your drive is empty"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
empty-drive-description : "右クリックして「ファイルをアップロード」を選んだり、ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップすることでもアップロードできます。"
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
empty-folder : "This folder is empty"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
unable-to-process : "操作を完了できません"
circular-reference-detected : "移動先のフォルダーは、移動するフォルダーのサブフォルダーです。"
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
unhandled-error : "Unknown error"
url-upload : "Upload from a URL"
url-of-file : "URL of file you want to upload"
url-upload-requested : "Upload requested"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
may-take-time : "アップロードが完了するまで時間がかかる場合があります。"
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
create-folder : "Create a folder"
folder-name : "Folder name"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-file-contextmenu :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
rename : "Rename"
copy-url : "Copy URL"
download : "Download"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
else-files : "その他..."
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
set-as-avatar : "Set as avatar"
set-as-banner : "Set as banner"
open-in-app : "Open in app"
add-app : "Add app"
rename-file : "Rename file"
input-new-file-name : "Enter new name"
copied : "Copied"
copied-url-to-clipboard : "Copied URL to clipboard"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-file :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
avatar : "Avatar"
banner : "Banner"
wallpaper : "Wallpaper"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-folder-contextmenu :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
move-to-this-folder : "Move to this folder"
show-in-new-window : "Open in new window"
rename : "Rename"
rename-folder : "Rename folder"
input-new-folder-name : "Enter new name"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-folder :
unable-to-process : "操作を完了できません"
circular-reference-detected : "移動先のフォルダーは、移動するフォルダーのサブフォルダーです。"
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
unhandled-error : "Unknown error"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
mk-drive-browser-nav-folder :
2017-04-04 23:51:43 +09:00
drive : "Drive"
2017-04-04 20:07:13 +09:00
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
mk-ui-header-nav :
home : "Home"
messaging : "Messages"
info : "News"
mk-ui-header-search :
placeholder : "Search"
mk-ui-header-account :
profile : "Your profile"
drive : "Drive"
mentions : "Mentions"
settings : "Settings"
signout : "Sign out"
mk-post-form :
post-placeholder : "What's happening?"
reply-placeholder : "Reply to this post..."
quote-placeholder : "Quote this post..."
post : "Post"
reply : "Reply"
repost : "Repost"
posted : "Posted!"
replied : "Replied!"
reposted : "Reposted!"
post-failed : "Failed to post"
reply-failed : "Failed to reply"
repost-failed : "Failed to repost"
posting : "Posting"
attach-media-from-local : "Attach media from your pc"
attach-media-from-drive : "Attach media from the drive"
attach-cancel : "Cancel attachment"
insert-the-cat : "Insert a cat"
create-poll : "Create a poll"
text-remain : "{} chars remaining"
mk-post-form-window :
post : "New post"
reply : "Reply"
attaches : "{} media attached"
uploading-media : "Uploading {} media"
mk-timeline-post :
reposted-by : "Reposted by {}"
reply : "Reply"
repost : "Repost"
add-reaction : "Add your reaction"
detail : "Show detail"
2017-06-07 01:59:02 +09:00
mk-notifications :
more : "More"
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
mk-notifications-home-widget :
title : "Notifications"
settings : "Notification settings"
2017-06-08 02:47:14 +09:00
mk-activity-home-widget :
title : "Activity"
2017-03-31 01:24:11 +09:00
mk-user-recommendation-home-widget :
title : "Recommended users"
refresh : "Show others"
no-one : "No one"
mk-recommended-polls-home-widget :
title : "Polls"
refresh : "Show others"
nothing : "Nothing"
mk-trends-home-widget :
title : "Trend"
refresh : "Show others"
nothing : "Nothing"
mk-photo-stream-home-widget :
title : "Photostream"
no-photos : "No photos"
mk-donation-home-widget :
title : "Donation"
text : "To manage Misskey we spend money for our domain server etc.. There's no incomes for us so we need your tip. If you're interested contact {}. Thank you for your contribution!"
mk-repost-form :
quote : "Quote..."
cancel : "Cancel"
repost : "Repost"
reposting : "Reposting..."
success : "Reposted!"
failure : "Failed to Repost"
mk-repost-form-window :
title : "Are you sure you want to repost this post?"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mobile :
tags :
mk-drive-file-viewer :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
download : "Download"
rename : "Rename"
move : "Move"
hash : "Hash"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-entrance-signin :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
signup : "Sign up"
about : "About Misskey"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-entrance-signup :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
cancel : "Cancel"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-authorized-apps-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
application : "Applications"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-signin-history-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
signin-history : "Sign in history"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-twitter-setting-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
twitter-integration : "Twitter integration"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-drive-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
drive : "Drive"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-home :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
home : "Home"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-messaging-room-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
message : "Messaging"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-messaging-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
message : "Messaging"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-notifications-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
notifications : "Notifications"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-post-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
submit : "Post"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-search-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
search : "Search"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-settings-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
profile : "Profile"
applications : "Applications"
twitter-integration : "Twitter integration"
signin-history : "Sign in history"
settings : "Settings"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-user-followers-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
followers-of : "Followers of {}"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-user-following-page :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
following-of : "Following of {}"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-drive-folder-selector :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
select-folder : "Choose a folder"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-drive-selector :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
select-file : "Choose a file"
2017-03-31 04:16:21 +09:00
mk-drive :
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
drive : "Drive"
2017-03-31 04:27:37 +09:00
used : "used"
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
folder-count : "Folder(s)"
2017-03-31 04:27:37 +09:00
count-separator : ", "
2017-03-31 04:25:12 +09:00
file-count : "File(s)"
load-more : "Load more"
nothing-in-drive : "Nothing"
folder-is-empty : "This folder is empty"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-follow-button :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
follow : "Follow"
unfollow : "Unfollow"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-home-timeline :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
empty-timeline : "There is no posts"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-notifications :
2017-06-07 01:59:02 +09:00
more : "More"
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
empty : "No notifications"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-post-detail :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
reply : "Reply"
reaction : "Reaction"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-post-form :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
submit : "Post"
reply-placeholder : "Reply to this post..."
post-placeholder : "What's happening?"
attach-media-from-local : "Attach media from your device"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-search-posts :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
empty : "There is no post related to the 「{}」"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-sub-post-content :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
media-count : "{} media"
poll : "Poll"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-timeline-post :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
reposted-by : "Reposted by {}"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-timeline :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
empty : "No posts"
load-more : "More"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-ui-nav :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
home : "Home"
notifications : "Notifications"
messaging : "Messages"
drive : "Drive"
settings : "Settings"
about : "About Misskey"
search : "Search"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-user-followers :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
no-users : "No followers."
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-user-following :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
no-users : "No following."
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-user-timeline :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
no-posts : "This user seems never post"
no-posts-with-media : "There is no posts with media"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-user :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
is-followed : "Followed you"
following : "Following"
followers : "Followers"
posts : "Timeline"
media : "Media"
2017-03-31 19:56:59 +09:00
mk-users-list :
2017-03-31 20:33:33 +09:00
all : "All"
known : "You know"
load-more : "More"