/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { miLocalStorage } from '@/local-storage.js'; import { aiScriptReadline, createAiScriptEnv } from '@/scripts/aiscript/api.js'; import { errors, Interpreter, Parser, values } from '@syuilo/aiscript'; import { afterAll, afterEach, beforeAll, beforeEach, describe, expect, test, vi } from 'vitest'; async function exe(script: string): Promise<values.Value[]> { const outputs: values.Value[] = []; const interpreter = new Interpreter( createAiScriptEnv({ storageKey: 'widget' }), { in: aiScriptReadline, out: (value) => { outputs.push(value); } } ); const ast = Parser.parse(script); await interpreter.exec(ast); return outputs; } let $iMock = vi.hoisted<Partial<typeof import('@/account.js').$i> | null >( () => null ); vi.mock('@/account.js', () => { return { get $i() { return $iMock; }, }; }); const osMock = vi.hoisted(() => { return { inputText: vi.fn(), alert: vi.fn(), confirm: vi.fn(), }; }); vi.mock('@/os.js', () => { return osMock; }); const misskeyApiMock = vi.hoisted(() => vi.fn()); vi.mock('@/scripts/misskey-api.js', () => { return { misskeyApi: misskeyApiMock }; }); describe('AiScript common API', () => { afterAll(() => { vi.unstubAllGlobals(); }); describe('readline', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); test.sequential('ok', async () => { osMock.inputText.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ title }) => { expect(title).toBe('question'); return { canceled: false, result: 'Hello', }; }); const [res] = await exe(` <: readline('question') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('Hello')); expect(osMock.inputText).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('cancelled', async () => { osMock.inputText.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ title }) => { expect(title).toBe('question'); return { canceled: true, result: undefined, }; }); const [res] = await exe(` <: readline('question') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('')); expect(osMock.inputText).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); }); describe('user constants', () => { describe.sequential('logged in', () => { beforeAll(() => { $iMock = { id: 'xxxxxxxx', name: '藍', username: 'ai', }; }); test.concurrent('USER_ID', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_ID `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('xxxxxxxx')); }); test.concurrent('USER_NAME', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_NAME `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('藍')); }); test.concurrent('USER_USERNAME', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_USERNAME `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('ai')); }); }); describe.sequential('not logged in', () => { beforeAll(() => { $iMock = null; }); test.concurrent('USER_ID', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_ID `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); }); test.concurrent('USER_NAME', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_NAME `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); }); test.concurrent('USER_USERNAME', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: USER_USERNAME `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); }); }); }); describe('dialog', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); test.sequential('ok', async () => { osMock.alert.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ type, title, text }) => { expect(type).toBe('success'); expect(title).toBe('Hello'); expect(text).toBe('world'); }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:dialog('Hello', 'world', 'success') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); expect(osMock.alert).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('omit type', async () => { osMock.alert.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ type, title, text }) => { expect(type).toBe('info'); expect(title).toBe('Hello'); expect(text).toBe('world'); }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:dialog('Hello', 'world') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); expect(osMock.alert).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('invalid type', async () => { await expect(() => exe(` <: Mk:dialog('Hello', 'world', 'invalid') `)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(errors.AiScriptRuntimeError); expect(osMock.alert).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('confirm', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); test.sequential('ok', async () => { osMock.confirm.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ type, title, text }) => { expect(type).toBe('success'); expect(title).toBe('Hello'); expect(text).toBe('world'); return { canceled: false }; }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:confirm('Hello', 'world', 'success') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.TRUE); expect(osMock.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('omit type', async () => { osMock.confirm .mockImplementationOnce(async ({ type, title, text }) => { expect(type).toBe('question'); expect(title).toBe('Hello'); expect(text).toBe('world'); return { canceled: false }; }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:confirm('Hello', 'world') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.TRUE); expect(osMock.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('canceled', async () => { osMock.confirm.mockImplementationOnce(async ({ type, title, text }) => { expect(type).toBe('question'); expect(title).toBe('Hello'); expect(text).toBe('world'); return { canceled: true }; }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:confirm('Hello', 'world') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.FALSE); expect(osMock.confirm).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('invalid type', async () => { const confirm = osMock.confirm; await expect(() => exe(` <: Mk:confirm('Hello', 'world', 'invalid') `)).rejects.toBeInstanceOf(errors.AiScriptRuntimeError); expect(confirm).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('api', () => { afterEach(() => { vi.restoreAllMocks(); }); test.sequential('successful', async () => { misskeyApiMock.mockImplementationOnce( async (endpoint, data, token) => { expect(endpoint).toBe('ping'); expect(data).toStrictEqual({}); expect(token).toBeNull(); return { pong: 1735657200000 }; } ); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:api('ping', {}) `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.OBJ(new Map([ ['pong', values.NUM(1735657200000)], ]))); expect(misskeyApiMock).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('with token', async () => { misskeyApiMock.mockImplementationOnce( async (endpoint, data, token) => { expect(endpoint).toBe('ping'); expect(data).toStrictEqual({}); expect(token).toStrictEqual('xxxxxxxx'); return { pong: 1735657200000 }; } ); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:api('ping', {}, 'xxxxxxxx') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.OBJ(new Map([ ['pong', values.NUM(1735657200000 )], ]))); expect(misskeyApiMock).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('request failed', async () => { misskeyApiMock.mockRejectedValueOnce('Not Found'); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:api('this/endpoint/should/not/be/found', {}) `); expect(res).toStrictEqual( values.ERROR('request_failed', values.STR('Not Found')) ); expect(misskeyApiMock).toHaveBeenCalledOnce(); }); test.sequential('invalid endpoint', async () => { await expect(() => exe(` Mk:api('https://example.com/api/ping', {}) `)).rejects.toStrictEqual( new errors.AiScriptRuntimeError('invalid endpoint'), ); expect(misskeyApiMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); test.sequential('missing param', async () => { await expect(() => exe(` Mk:api('ping') `)).rejects.toStrictEqual( new errors.AiScriptRuntimeError('expected param'), ); expect(misskeyApiMock).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('save and load', () => { beforeEach(() => { miLocalStorage.removeItem('aiscript:widget:key'); }); afterEach(() => { miLocalStorage.removeItem('aiscript:widget:key'); }); test.sequential('successful', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` Mk:save('key', 'value') <: Mk:load('key') `); expect(miLocalStorage.getItem('aiscript:widget:key')).toBe('"value"'); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('value')); }); test.sequential('missing value to save', async () => { await expect(() => exe(` Mk:save('key') `)).rejects.toStrictEqual( new errors.AiScriptRuntimeError('Expect anything, but got nothing.'), ); }); test.sequential('not value found to load', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:load('key') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.NULL); }); test.sequential('remove existing', async () => { const res = await exe(` Mk:save('key', 'value') <: Mk:load('key') <: Mk:remove('key') <: Mk:load('key') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual([values.STR('value'), values.NULL, values.NULL]); }); test.sequential('remove nothing', async () => { const res = await exe(` <: Mk:load('key') <: Mk:remove('key') <: Mk:load('key') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual([values.NULL, values.NULL, values.NULL]); }); }); test.concurrent('url', async () => { vi.stubGlobal('location', { href: 'https://example.com/' }); const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:url() `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('https://example.com/')); }); test.concurrent('nyaize', async () => { const [res] = await exe(` <: Mk:nyaize('な') `); expect(res).toStrictEqual(values.STR('にゃ')); }); });