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synced 2025-02-03 04:26:39 +09:00
Refactoring of i18n
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259 lines
6.1 KiB
<div class="mk-timeline">
<span :data-active="src == 'home'" @click="src = 'home'"><fa icon="home"/> {{ $t('home') }}</span>
<span :data-active="src == 'local'" @click="src = 'local'" v-if="enableLocalTimeline"><fa :icon="['far', 'comments']"/> {{ $t('local') }}</span>
<span :data-active="src == 'hybrid'" @click="src = 'hybrid'" v-if="enableLocalTimeline"><fa icon="share-alt"/> {{ $t('hybrid') }}</span>
<span :data-active="src == 'global'" @click="src = 'global'"><fa icon="globe"/> {{ $t('global') }}</span>
<span :data-active="src == 'tag'" @click="src = 'tag'" v-if="tagTl"><fa icon="hashtag"/> {{ tagTl.title }}</span>
<span :data-active="src == 'list'" @click="src = 'list'" v-if="list"><fa icon="list"/> {{ list.title }}</span>
<div class="buttons">
<button :data-active="src == 'mentions'" @click="src = 'mentions'" :title="$t('mentions')"><fa icon="at"/><i class="badge" v-if="$store.state.i.hasUnreadMentions"><fa icon="circle"/></i></button>
<button :data-active="src == 'messages'" @click="src = 'messages'" :title="$t('messages')"><fa :icon="['far', 'envelope']"/><i class="badge" v-if="$store.state.i.hasUnreadSpecifiedNotes"><fa icon="circle"/></i></button>
<button @click="chooseTag" :title="$t('hashtag')" ref="tagButton"><fa icon="hashtag"/></button>
<button @click="chooseList" :title="$t('list')" ref="listButton"><fa icon="list"/></button>
<x-core v-if="src == 'home'" ref="tl" key="home" src="home"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'local'" ref="tl" key="local" src="local"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'hybrid'" ref="tl" key="hybrid" src="hybrid"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'global'" ref="tl" key="global" src="global"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'mentions'" ref="tl" key="mentions" src="mentions"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'messages'" ref="tl" key="messages" src="messages"/>
<x-core v-if="src == 'tag'" ref="tl" key="tag" src="tag" :tag-tl="tagTl"/>
<mk-user-list-timeline v-if="src == 'list'" ref="tl" :key="list.id" :list="list"/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
import XCore from './timeline.core.vue';
import Menu from '../../../common/views/components/menu.vue';
import MkSettingsWindow from './settings-window.vue';
export default Vue.extend({
i18n: i18n('desktop/views/components/timeline.vue'),
components: {
data() {
return {
src: 'home',
list: null,
tagTl: null,
enableLocalTimeline: false
watch: {
src() {
list(x) {
if (x != null) this.tagTl = null;
tagTl(x) {
if (x != null) this.list = null;
created() {
(this as any).os.getMeta().then(meta => {
this.enableLocalTimeline = !meta.disableLocalTimeline;
if (this.$store.state.device.tl) {
this.src = this.$store.state.device.tl.src;
if (this.src == 'list') {
this.list = this.$store.state.device.tl.arg;
} else if (this.src == 'tag') {
this.tagTl = this.$store.state.device.tl.arg;
} else if (this.$store.state.i.followingCount == 0) {
this.src = 'hybrid';
mounted() {
(this.$refs.tl as any).$once('loaded', () => {
methods: {
saveSrc() {
this.$store.commit('device/setTl', {
src: this.src,
arg: this.src == 'list' ? this.list : this.tagTl
focus() {
(this.$refs.tl as any).focus();
warp(date) {
(this.$refs.tl as any).warp(date);
async chooseList() {
const lists = await (this as any).api('users/lists/list');
let menu = [{
icon: 'plus',
text: this.$t('add-list'),
action: () => {
(this as any).apis.input({
title: this.$t('list-name'),
}).then(async title => {
const list = await (this as any).api('users/lists/create', {
this.list = list;
this.src = 'list';
if (lists.length > 0) {
menu = menu.concat(lists.map(list => ({
icon: 'list',
text: list.title,
action: () => {
this.list = list;
this.src = 'list';
this.os.new(Menu, {
source: this.$refs.listButton,
compact: false,
items: menu
chooseTag() {
let menu = [{
icon: 'plus',
text: this.$t('add-tag-timeline'),
action: () => {
(this as any).os.new(MkSettingsWindow, {
initialPage: 'hashtags'
if (this.$store.state.settings.tagTimelines.length > 0) {
menu = menu.concat(this.$store.state.settings.tagTimelines.map(t => ({
icon: 'hashtag',
text: t.title,
action: () => {
this.tagTl = t;
this.src = 'tag';
this.os.new(Menu, {
source: this.$refs.tagButton,
compact: false,
items: menu
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
background var(--face)
box-shadow var(--shadow)
border-radius var(--round)
overflow hidden
> header
padding 0 8px
z-index 10
background var(--faceHeader)
box-shadow 0 1px var(--desktopTimelineHeaderShadow)
> .buttons
position absolute
z-index 2
top 0
right 0
padding-right 8px
> button
padding 0 8px
font-size 0.9em
line-height 42px
color var(--faceTextButton)
> .badge
position absolute
top -4px
right 4px
font-size 10px
color var(--primary)
color var(--faceTextButtonHover)
color var(--primary)
cursor default
content ""
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
left 0
width 100%
height 2px
background var(--primary)
> span
display inline-block
padding 0 10px
line-height 42px
font-size 12px
user-select none
color var(--primary)
cursor default
font-weight bold
content ""
display block
position absolute
bottom 0
left -8px
width calc(100% + 16px)
height 2px
background var(--primary)
color var(--desktopTimelineSrc)
cursor pointer
color var(--desktopTimelineSrcHover)