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synced 2025-02-04 04:36:38 +09:00
An account document is attached to a user document if an account of the user is on the server. It may be missing if the user is on a remote server.
358 lines
8.9 KiB
358 lines
8.9 KiB
<div class="mk-home" :data-customize="customize">
<div class="customize" v-if="customize">
<router-link to="/">%fa:check%完了</router-link>
<div class="adder">
<select v-model="widgetAdderSelected">
<option value="profile">プロフィール</option>
<option value="calendar">カレンダー</option>
<option value="timemachine">カレンダー(タイムマシン)</option>
<option value="activity">アクティビティ</option>
<option value="rss">RSSリーダー</option>
<option value="trends">トレンド</option>
<option value="photo-stream">フォトストリーム</option>
<option value="slideshow">スライドショー</option>
<option value="version">バージョン</option>
<option value="broadcast">ブロードキャスト</option>
<option value="notifications">通知</option>
<option value="users">おすすめユーザー</option>
<option value="polls">投票</option>
<option value="post-form">投稿フォーム</option>
<option value="messaging">メッセージ</option>
<option value="channel">チャンネル</option>
<option value="access-log">アクセスログ</option>
<option value="server">サーバー情報</option>
<option value="donation">寄付のお願い</option>
<option value="nav">ナビゲーション</option>
<option value="tips">ヒント</option>
<button @click="addWidget">追加</button>
<div class="trash">
<x-draggable v-model="trash" :options="{ group: 'x' }" @add="onTrash"></x-draggable>
<div class="main">
<template v-if="customize">
<x-draggable v-for="place in ['left', 'right']"
:options="{ group: 'x', animation: 150 }"
<div v-for="widget in widgets[place]" class="customize-container" :key="widget.id" @contextmenu.stop.prevent="onWidgetContextmenu(widget.id)">
<component :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :widget="widget" :ref="widget.id" :is-customize-mode="true"/>
<div class="main">
<a @click="hint">カスタマイズのヒント</a>
<mk-post-form v-if="os.i.account.client_settings.showPostFormOnTopOfTl"/>
<mk-timeline ref="tl" @loaded="onTlLoaded"/>
<template v-else>
<div v-for="place in ['left', 'right']" :class="place">
<component v-for="widget in widgets[place]" :is="`mkw-${widget.name}`" :key="widget.id" :ref="widget.id" :widget="widget" @chosen="warp"/>
<div class="main">
<mk-post-form v-if="os.i.account.client_settings.showPostFormOnTopOfTl"/>
<mk-timeline ref="tl" @loaded="onTlLoaded" v-if="mode == 'timeline'"/>
<mk-mentions @loaded="onTlLoaded" v-if="mode == 'mentions'"/>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import * as XDraggable from 'vuedraggable';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
export default Vue.extend({
components: {
props: {
customize: Boolean,
mode: {
type: String,
default: 'timeline'
data() {
return {
connection: null,
connectionId: null,
widgetAdderSelected: null,
trash: [],
widgets: {
left: [],
right: []
computed: {
home: {
get(): any[] {
//#region 互換性のため
(this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home.forEach(w => {
if (w.name == 'rss-reader') w.name = 'rss';
if (w.name == 'user-recommendation') w.name = 'users';
if (w.name == 'recommended-polls') w.name = 'polls';
return (this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home;
set(value) {
(this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home = value;
left(): any[] {
return this.home.filter(w => w.place == 'left');
right(): any[] {
return this.home.filter(w => w.place == 'right');
created() {
this.widgets.left = this.left;
this.widgets.right = this.right;
this.$watch('os.i.account.client_settings', i => {
this.widgets.left = this.left;
this.widgets.right = this.right;
}, {
deep: true
mounted() {
this.connection = (this as any).os.stream.getConnection();
this.connectionId = (this as any).os.stream.use();
this.connection.on('home_updated', this.onHomeUpdated);
beforeDestroy() {
this.connection.off('home_updated', this.onHomeUpdated);
(this as any).os.stream.dispose(this.connectionId);
methods: {
hint() {
(this as any).apis.dialog({
title: '%fa:info-circle%カスタマイズのヒント',
text: '<p>ホームのカスタマイズでは、ウィジェットを追加/削除したり、ドラッグ&ドロップして並べ替えたりすることができます。</p>' +
'<p>一部のウィジェットは、<strong><strong>右</strong>クリック</strong>することで表示を変更することができます。</p>' +
'<p>ウィジェットを削除するには、ヘッダーの<strong>「ゴミ箱」</strong>と書かれたエリアにウィジェットをドラッグ&ドロップします。</p>' +
actions: [{
text: 'Got it!'
onTlLoaded() {
onHomeUpdated(data) {
if (data.home) {
(this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home = data.home;
this.widgets.left = data.home.filter(w => w.place == 'left');
this.widgets.right = data.home.filter(w => w.place == 'right');
} else {
const w = (this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home.find(w => w.id == data.id);
if (w != null) {
w.data = data.data;
this.$refs[w.id][0].preventSave = true;
this.$refs[w.id][0].props = w.data;
this.widgets.left = (this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home.filter(w => w.place == 'left');
this.widgets.right = (this as any).os.i.account.client_settings.home.filter(w => w.place == 'right');
onWidgetContextmenu(widgetId) {
const w = (this.$refs[widgetId] as any)[0];
if (w.func) w.func();
onWidgetSort() {
onTrash(evt) {
addWidget() {
const widget = {
name: this.widgetAdderSelected,
id: uuid(),
place: 'left',
data: {}
saveHome() {
const left = this.widgets.left;
const right = this.widgets.right;
this.home = left.concat(right);
left.forEach(w => w.place = 'left');
right.forEach(w => w.place = 'right');
(this as any).api('i/update_home', {
home: this.home
warp(date) {
(this.$refs.tl as any).warp(date);
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