syuilo 25a69ec1b6
Refactoring of i18n (#3165)
Refactoring of i18n
2018-11-09 03:44:35 +09:00

346 lines
9.3 KiB

<div class="nicnklzforebnpfgasiypmpdaaglujqm">
<span>{{ $t('light-theme') }}</span>
<ui-select v-model="light" :placeholder="$t('placeholder')">
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in lightThemes" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in darkThemes" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<span>{{ $t('dark-theme') }}</span>
<ui-select v-model="dark" :placeholder="$t('placeholder')">
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in darkThemes" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in lightThemes" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<details class="creator">
<summary><fa icon="palette"/> {{ $t('create-a-theme') }}</summary>
<span>{{ $t('base-theme') }}:</span>
<ui-radio v-model="myThemeBase" value="light">{{ $t('base-theme-light') }}</ui-radio>
<ui-radio v-model="myThemeBase" value="dark">{{ $t('base-theme-dark') }}</ui-radio>
<ui-input v-model="myThemeName">
<span>{{ $t('theme-name') }}</span>
<ui-textarea v-model="myThemeDesc">
<span>{{ $t('desc') }}</span>
<div style="padding-bottom:8px;">{{ $t('primary-color') }}:</div>
<color-picker v-model="myThemePrimary"/>
<div style="padding-bottom:8px;">{{ $t('secondary-color') }}:</div>
<color-picker v-model="myThemeSecondary"/>
<div style="padding-bottom:8px;">{{ $t('text-color') }}:</div>
<color-picker v-model="myThemeText"/>
<ui-button @click="preview()"><fa icon="eye"/> {{ $t('preview-created-theme') }}</ui-button>
<ui-button primary @click="gen()"><fa :icon="['far', 'save']"/> {{ $t('save-created-theme') }}</ui-button>
<summary><fa icon="download"/> {{ $t('install-a-theme') }}</summary>
<ui-button @click="import_()"><fa icon="file-import"/> {{ $t('import') }}</ui-button>
<input ref="file" type="file" accept=".misskeytheme" style="display:none;" @change="onUpdateImportFile"/>
<p>{{ $t('import-by-code') }}:</p>
<ui-textarea v-model="installThemeCode">
<span>{{ $t('theme-code') }}</span>
<ui-button @click="() => install(this.installThemeCode)"><fa icon="check"/> {{ $t('install') }}</ui-button>
<summary><fa icon="folder-open"/> {{ $t('manage-themes') }}</summary>
<ui-select v-model="selectedThemeId" :placeholder="$t('placeholder')">
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in builtinThemes" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in installedThemes.filter(t => t.author == this.$store.state.i.username)" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<optgroup :label="$t('label')">
<option v-for="x in installedThemes.filter(t => t.author != this.$store.state.i.username)" :value="x.id" :key="x.id">{{ x.name }}</option>
<template v-if="selectedTheme">
<ui-input readonly :value="selectedTheme.author">
<span>{{ $t('author') }}</span>
<ui-textarea v-if="selectedTheme.desc" readonly :value="selectedTheme.desc">
<span>{{ $t('desc') }}</span>
<ui-textarea readonly :value="selectedThemeCode">
<span>{{ $t('theme-code') }}</span>
<ui-button @click="export_()" link :download="`${selectedTheme.name}.misskeytheme`" ref="export"><fa icon="box"/> {{ $t('export') }}</ui-button>
<ui-button @click="uninstall()" v-if="!builtinThemes.some(t => t.id == selectedTheme.id)"><fa :icon="['far', 'trash-alt']"/> {{ $t('uninstall') }}</ui-button>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import i18n from '../../../i18n';
import { lightTheme, darkTheme, builtinThemes, applyTheme, Theme } from '../../../theme';
import { Chrome } from 'vue-color';
import * as uuid from 'uuid';
import * as tinycolor from 'tinycolor2';
import * as JSON5 from 'json5';
// 後方互換性のため
function convertOldThemedefinition(t) {
const t2 = {
id: t.meta.id,
name: t.meta.name,
author: t.meta.author,
base: t.meta.base,
vars: t.meta.vars,
props: t
delete t2.props.meta;
return t2;
export default Vue.extend({
i18n: i18n('common/views/components/theme.vue'),
components: {
ColorPicker: Chrome
data() {
return {
builtinThemes: builtinThemes,
installThemeCode: null,
selectedThemeId: null,
myThemeBase: 'light',
myThemeName: '',
myThemeDesc: '',
myThemePrimary: lightTheme.vars.primary,
myThemeSecondary: lightTheme.vars.secondary,
myThemeText: lightTheme.vars.text
computed: {
themes(): Theme[] {
return builtinThemes.concat(this.$store.state.device.themes);
darkThemes(): Theme[] {
return this.themes.filter(t => t.base == 'dark' || t.kind == 'dark');
lightThemes(): Theme[] {
return this.themes.filter(t => t.base == 'light' || t.kind == 'light');
installedThemes(): Theme[] {
return this.$store.state.device.themes;
light: {
get() { return this.$store.state.device.lightTheme; },
set(value) { this.$store.commit('device/set', { key: 'lightTheme', value }); }
dark: {
get() { return this.$store.state.device.darkTheme; },
set(value) { this.$store.commit('device/set', { key: 'darkTheme', value }); }
selectedTheme() {
if (this.selectedThemeId == null) return null;
return this.themes.find(x => x.id == this.selectedThemeId);
selectedThemeCode() {
if (this.selectedTheme == null) return null;
return JSON5.stringify(this.selectedTheme, null, '\t');
myTheme(): any {
return {
name: this.myThemeName,
author: this.$store.state.i.username,
desc: this.myThemeDesc,
base: this.myThemeBase,
vars: {
primary: tinycolor(typeof this.myThemePrimary == 'string' ? this.myThemePrimary : this.myThemePrimary.rgba).toRgbString(),
secondary: tinycolor(typeof this.myThemeSecondary == 'string' ? this.myThemeSecondary : this.myThemeSecondary.rgba).toRgbString(),
text: tinycolor(typeof this.myThemeText == 'string' ? this.myThemeText : this.myThemeText.rgba).toRgbString()
watch: {
myThemeBase(v) {
const theme = v == 'light' ? lightTheme : darkTheme;
this.myThemePrimary = theme.vars.primary;
this.myThemeSecondary = theme.vars.secondary;
this.myThemeText = theme.vars.text;
beforeCreate() {
// migrate old theme definitions
// 後方互換性のため
this.$store.commit('device/set', {
key: 'themes', value: this.$store.state.device.themes.map(t => {
if (t.id == null) {
return convertOldThemedefinition(t);
} else {
return t;
methods: {
install(code) {
let theme;
try {
theme = JSON5.parse(code);
} catch (e) {
type: 'error',
text: this.$t('invalid-theme')
// 後方互換性のため
if (theme.id == null && theme.meta != null) {
theme = convertOldThemedefinition(theme);
if (theme.id == null) {
type: 'error',
text: this.$t('invalid-theme')
if (this.$store.state.device.themes.some(t => t.id == theme.id)) {
type: 'info',
text: this.$t('already-installed')
const themes = this.$store.state.device.themes.concat(theme);
this.$store.commit('device/set', {
key: 'themes', value: themes
type: 'success',
text: this.$t('installed').replace('{}', theme.name)
uninstall() {
const theme = this.selectedTheme;
const themes = this.$store.state.device.themes.filter(t => t.id != theme.id);
this.$store.commit('device/set', {
key: 'themes', value: themes
type: 'info',
text: this.$t('uninstalled').replace('{}', theme.name)
import_() {
(this.$refs.file as any).click();
export_() {
const blob = new Blob([this.selectedThemeCode], {
type: 'application/json5'
this.$refs.export.$el.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);
onUpdateImportFile() {
const f = (this.$refs.file as any).files[0];
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = e => {
preview() {
applyTheme(this.myTheme, false);
gen() {
const theme = this.myTheme;
if (theme.name == null || theme.name.trim() == '') {
type: 'warning',
text: this.$t('theme-name-required')
theme.id = uuid();
const themes = this.$store.state.device.themes.concat(theme);
this.$store.commit('device/set', {
key: 'themes', value: themes
type: 'success',
text: this.$t('saved')
<style lang="stylus" scoped>
> details
border-top solid 1px var(--faceDivider)
> summary
padding 16px 0
> *:last-child
margin-bottom 16px
> .creator
> div
padding 16px 0
border-bottom solid 1px var(--faceDivider)