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synced 2025-02-02 04:16:42 +09:00
* Typecheck the service worker Currently the service worker build never typechecks, since esbuild and typescript-eslint don't do such job. esbuild: https://esbuild.github.io/content-types/#typescript >However, esbuild does not do any type checking so you will still need to run tsc -noEmit in parallel with esbuild to check types. This is not something esbuild does itself. typescript-eslint: https://typescript-eslint.io/linting/troubleshooting#why-dont-i-see-typescript-errors-in-my-eslint-output >TypeScript's compiler (or whatever your build chain may be) is specifically designed and built to validate the correctness of your codebase. Our tooling does not reproduce the errors that TypeScript provides, because doing so would slow down the lint run [1], and duplicate the errors that TypeScript already outputs for you. Adding this step adds tons of TS errors 😱 * Override lib-webworker with service worker
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* Notification manager for SW
import { swLang } from '@/scripts/lang';
import { cli } from '@/scripts/operations';
import { pushNotificationDataMap } from '@/types';
import getUserName from '@/scripts/get-user-name';
import { I18n } from '@/scripts/i18n';
import { getAccountFromId } from '@/scripts/get-account-from-id';
import { char2fileName } from '@/scripts/twemoji-base';
import * as url from '@/scripts/url';
const iconUrl = (name: string) => `/static-assets/notification-badges/${name}.png`;
export async function createNotification<K extends keyof pushNotificationDataMap>(data: pushNotificationDataMap[K]) {
const n = await composeNotification(data);
if (n) {
return self.registration.showNotification(...n);
} else {
console.error('Could not compose notification', data);
return createEmptyNotification();
async function composeNotification<K extends keyof pushNotificationDataMap>(data: pushNotificationDataMap[K]): Promise<[string, NotificationOptions] | null> {
if (!swLang.i18n) swLang.fetchLocale();
const i18n = await swLang.i18n as I18n<any>;
const { t } = i18n;
switch (data.type) {
case 'driveFileCreated': // TODO (Server Side)
return [t('_notification.fileUploaded'), {
body: body.name,
icon: body.url,
case 'notification':
switch (data.body.type) {
case 'follow': {
// users/showの型定義をswos.apiへ当てはめるのが困難なのでapiFetch.requestを直接使用
const account = await getAccountFromId(data.userId);
if (!account) return null;
const userDetail = await cli.request('users/show', { userId: data.body.userId }, account.token);
return [t('_notification.youWereFollowed'), {
body: getUserName(data.body.user),
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('user-plus'),
actions: userDetail.isFollowing ? [] : [
action: 'follow',
title: t('_notification._actions.followBack')
case 'mention':
return [t('_notification.youGotMention', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('at'),
actions: [
action: 'reply',
title: t('_notification._actions.reply')
case 'reply':
return [t('_notification.youGotReply', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('reply'),
actions: [
action: 'reply',
title: t('_notification._actions.reply')
case 'renote':
return [t('_notification.youRenoted', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('retweet'),
actions: [
action: 'showUser',
title: getUserName(data.body.user)
case 'quote':
return [t('_notification.youGotQuote', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('quote-right'),
actions: [
action: 'reply',
title: t('_notification._actions.reply')
...((data.body.note.visibility === 'public' || data.body.note.visibility === 'home') ? [
action: 'renote',
title: t('_notification._actions.renote')
] : [])
case 'reaction': {
let reaction = data.body.reaction;
let badge: string | undefined;
if (reaction.startsWith(':')) {
// カスタム絵文字の場合
const customEmoji = data.body.note.emojis.find(x => x.name === reaction.substr(1, reaction.length - 2));
if (customEmoji) {
if (reaction.includes('@')) {
reaction = `:${reaction.substr(1, reaction.indexOf('@') - 1)}:`;
const u = new URL(customEmoji.url);
if (u.href.startsWith(`${origin}/proxy/`)) {
// もう既にproxyっぽそうだったらsearchParams付けるだけ
u.searchParams.set('badge', '1');
badge = u.href;
} else {
const dummy = `${u.host}${u.pathname}`; // 拡張子がないとキャッシュしてくれないCDNがあるので
badge = `${origin}/proxy/${dummy}?${url.query({
url: u.href,
badge: '1'
} else {
// Unicode絵文字の場合
badge = `/twemoji-badge/${char2fileName(reaction)}.png`;
if (badge ? await fetch(badge).then(res => res.status !== 200).catch(() => true) : true) {
badge = iconUrl('plus');
return [`${reaction} ${getUserName(data.body.user)}`, {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
actions: [
action: 'showUser',
title: getUserName(data.body.user)
case 'pollVote':
return [t('_notification.youGotPoll', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('poll-h'),
case 'pollEnded':
return [t('_notification.pollEnded'), {
body: data.body.note.text || '',
badge: iconUrl('clipboard-check-solid'),
case 'receiveFollowRequest':
return [t('_notification.youReceivedFollowRequest'), {
body: getUserName(data.body.user),
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('clock'),
actions: [
action: 'accept',
title: t('accept')
action: 'reject',
title: t('reject')
case 'followRequestAccepted':
return [t('_notification.yourFollowRequestAccepted'), {
body: getUserName(data.body.user),
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('check'),
case 'groupInvited':
return [t('_notification.youWereInvitedToGroup', { userName: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
body: data.body.invitation.group.name,
badge: iconUrl('id-card-alt'),
actions: [
action: 'accept',
title: t('accept')
action: 'reject',
title: t('reject')
case 'app':
return [data.body.header || data.body.body, {
body: data.body.header && data.body.body,
icon: data.body.icon,
return null;
case 'unreadMessagingMessage':
if (data.body.groupId === null) {
return [t('_notification.youGotMessagingMessageFromUser', { name: getUserName(data.body.user) }), {
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('comments'),
tag: `messaging:user:${data.body.userId}`,
renotify: true,
return [t('_notification.youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup', { name: data.body.group.name }), {
icon: data.body.user.avatarUrl,
badge: iconUrl('comments'),
tag: `messaging:group:${data.body.groupId}`,
renotify: true,
return null;
export async function createEmptyNotification() {
return new Promise<void>(async res => {
if (!swLang.i18n) swLang.fetchLocale();
const i18n = await swLang.i18n as I18n<any>;
const { t } = i18n;
await self.registration.showNotification(
silent: true,
badge: iconUrl('null'),
tag: 'read_notification',
setTimeout(async () => {
for (const n of
...(await self.registration.getNotifications({ tag: 'user_visible_auto_notification' })),
...(await self.registration.getNotifications({ tag: 'read_notification' }))
) {
}, 1000);