diff --git a/locales/ar-SA.yml b/locales/ar-SA.yml
index 5e0710358e..fc41376954 100644
--- a/locales/ar-SA.yml
+++ b/locales/ar-SA.yml
@@ -500,6 +500,9 @@ _notification:
   youGotMessagingMessageFromUser: "لقد تلقيت رسالة مِن {name}"
   youGotMessagingMessageFromGroup: "لقد أرسِلَت رسالة إلى الفريق {name}"
   youWereFollowed: "يتابعك"
+  _types:
+    follow: "المتابَعون"
+    quote: "اقتبس"
     notifications: "الإشعارات"
diff --git a/locales/de-DE.yml b/locales/de-DE.yml
index 3c16e3b642..8485f3bd0e 100644
--- a/locales/de-DE.yml
+++ b/locales/de-DE.yml
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ unblockConfirm: "Möchtest du diese Blockierung wirklich aufheben?"
 suspendConfirm: "Möchtest du diesen Benutzer wirklich sperren?"
 unsuspendConfirm: "Möchtest du die Sperrung dieses Benutzers wirklich aufheben?"
 selectList: "Wähle eine Liste aus"
+selectAntenna: "Antenne auswählen"
+selectWidget: "Widget auswählen"
 customEmojis: "Benutzerdefinierte Emojis"
 emoji: "Emoji"
 emojiName: "Emojiname"
@@ -535,9 +537,33 @@ enableAll: "Alle aktivieren"
 disableAll: "Alle deaktivieren"
 tokenRequested: "Benutzerkontozugriff gewähren"
 pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Dieses Plugin wird die hier konfigurierten Berechtigungen verwenden können."
+notificationType: "Benachrichtigungstyp"
+edit: "Bearbeiten"
+useStarForReactionFallback: "Verwende ★ falls das Reaktions-Emoji unbekannt ist"
+emailConfig: "Email-Server Konfiguration"
+enableEmail: "Email-Versand aktivieren"
+emailConfigInfo: "Zur Email-Bestätigung bei Registrierung und zum Zurücksetzen des Passworts verwendet"
+email: "Email-Adresse"
+smtpConfig: "SMTP-Server Konfiguration"
 smtpHost: "Host"
+smtpPort: "Port"
 smtpUser: "Benutzername"
 smtpPass: "Passwort"
+emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Benutzername und Passwort leer lassen um SMTP-Verifizierung zu deaktivieren"
+smtpSecure: "Für SMTP-Verbindungen implizit SSL/TLS verwenden"
+smtpSecureInfo: "Schalte dies aus, falls du STARTTLS verwendest"
+testEmail: "Email-Versand testen"
+wordMute: "Wort-Stummschaltung"
+userSaysSomething: "{name} hat etwas gesagt."
+makeActive: "Aktivieren"
+  muteWords: "Wort stummschalten"
+  muteWordsDescription: "Mit Leerzeichen für eine \"UND\"-Verknüpfung trennen, durch Zeilenumbrüche für eine \"ODER\"-Verknüpfung trennen."
+  muteWordsDescription2: "Umgib Schlüsselworter mit Schrägstrichen, um Reguläre Ausdrücke zu verwenden."
+  softDescription: "Notizen, die die eingestellten Konditionen erfüllen, in der Chronik ausblenden"
+  hardDescription: "Verhindern, dass Notizen, die die eingestellten Konditionen erfüllen, der Chronik hinzugefügt werden. Zudem werden diese Notizen auch nicht der Chronik hinzugefügt, falls die Konditionen geändert werden."
+  soft: "Leicht"
+  hard: "Schwer"
   explore: "Themen erforschen"
   install: "Thema installieren"
@@ -1177,10 +1203,26 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "Du hast eine Follow-Anfrage erhalten"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Deine Follow-Anfrage wurde akzeptiert"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Du wurdest in eine Gruppe eingeladen"
+  _types:
+    all: "Alle"
+    follow: "Folgt"
+    mention: "Erwähnung"
+    reply: "Antworten"
+    renote: "Renote"
+    quote: "Zitieren"
+    reaction: "Reaktionen"
+    pollVote: "Umfragen"
+    receiveFollowRequest: "Follow-Anfragen"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Hauptspalte immer zeigen"
   columnAlign: "Spalten ausrichten"
   addColumn: "Spalte hinzufügen"
+  swapLeft: "Nach links verschieben"
+  swapRight: "Nach rechts verschieben"
+  swapUp: "Nach oben verschieben"
+  swapDown: "Nach unten verschieben"
+  stackLeft: "Nach links stapeln"
+  popRight: "Nach rechts vom Stapel nehmen"
     widgets: "Widgets"
     notifications: "Benachrichtigungen"
diff --git a/locales/en-US.yml b/locales/en-US.yml
index 3f8ba5d81a..aa4ada2b85 100644
--- a/locales/en-US.yml
+++ b/locales/en-US.yml
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ unblockConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to unblock this account?"
 suspendConfirm: "Are you sure that you want to suspend this account?"
 unsuspendConfirm: "Are you sure you that want to unsuspend this account?"
 selectList: "Select a list"
+selectAntenna: "Select an Antenna"
+selectWidget: "Select a widget"
 customEmojis: "Custom Emoji"
 emoji: "Emoji"
 emojiName: "Emoji name"
@@ -535,9 +537,33 @@ enableAll: "Enable all"
 disableAll: "Disable all"
 tokenRequested: "Grant access to account"
 pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "This plugin will be able to use the permissions set here."
+notificationType: "Notification type"
+edit: "Edit"
+useStarForReactionFallback: "Use ★ as fallback if the reaction emoji is unknown"
+emailConfig: "Email server configuration"
+enableEmail: "Enable email distribution"
+emailConfigInfo: "Used to confirm your email during sign-up and if you forget your password"
+email: "Email Address"
+smtpConfig: "SMTP Server configuration"
 smtpHost: "Host"
+smtpPort: "Port"
 smtpUser: "Username"
 smtpPass: "Password"
+emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "Leave username and password empty to disable SMTP verification"
+smtpSecure: "Use implicit SSL/TLS for SMTP connections"
+smtpSecureInfo: "Turn this off when using STARTTLS"
+testEmail: "Test email delivery"
+wordMute: "Word mute"
+userSaysSomething: "{name} said something"
+makeActive: "Activate"
+  muteWords: "Word to mute"
+  muteWordsDescription: "Separate with spaces for AND condition. Separate with line breaks for OR."
+  muteWordsDescription2: "Surround keywords by slashes to use regular expressions."
+  softDescription: "Hide notes fulfilling the set conditions from the timeline."
+  hardDescription: "Prevent notes fulfilling the set conditions from being added to the timeline. In addition, these notes will not be added to the timeline even if the conditions are changed."
+  soft: "Soft"
+  hard: "Hard"
   explore: "Explore Themes"
   install: "Install theme"
@@ -1177,10 +1203,26 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "You've received a follow request"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Your follow request was accepted"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Invited to group"
+  _types:
+    all: "All"
+    follow: "Following"
+    mention: "Mention"
+    reply: "Replies"
+    renote: "Renote"
+    quote: "Quote"
+    reaction: "Reaction"
+    pollVote: "Polls"
+    receiveFollowRequest: "Follow requests"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Always show main column"
   columnAlign: "Align columns"
   addColumn: "Add column"
+  swapLeft: "Swap to left"
+  swapRight: "Swap to right"
+  swapUp: "Swap with above"
+  swapDown: "Swap with below"
+  stackLeft: "Stack on the left"
+  popRight: "Pop to the right"
     widgets: "Widgets"
     notifications: "Notifications"
diff --git a/locales/es-ES.yml b/locales/es-ES.yml
index be3ca35b6f..cc5d468816 100644
--- a/locales/es-ES.yml
+++ b/locales/es-ES.yml
@@ -1188,6 +1188,12 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "Has mandado una solicitud de seguimiento"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Tu solicitud de seguimiento fue aceptada"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Invitado al grupo"
+  _types:
+    follow: "Siguiendo"
+    mention: "Menciones"
+    renote: "Renotar"
+    quote: "Citar"
+    reaction: "Reacción"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Siempre mostrar la columna principal"
   columnAlign: "Alinear columnas"
diff --git a/locales/fr-FR.yml b/locales/fr-FR.yml
index 52fcd66ed9..b4aa5513a7 100644
--- a/locales/fr-FR.yml
+++ b/locales/fr-FR.yml
@@ -104,6 +104,8 @@ unblockConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir débloquer ce compte ?"
 suspendConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir suspendre ce compte ?"
 unsuspendConfirm: "Êtes-vous sûr·e de vouloir annuler la suspension de ce compte ?"
 selectList: "Sélectionner une liste"
+selectAntenna: "Sélectionner une antenne"
+selectWidget: "Sélectionner un widget"
 customEmojis: "Émojis personnalisés"
 emoji: "Émoji"
 emojiName: "Nom de l’émoji"
@@ -526,6 +528,18 @@ leaveConfirm: "Vous avez des modifications non-sauvegardées. Voulez-vous les ig
 manage: "Gestion"
 plugins: "Extensions"
 pluginInstallWarn: "N’installez que des extensions provenant de sources de confiance."
+deck: "Deck"
+undeck: "Quitter le deck"
+useBlurEffectForModal: "Utiliser un effet de flou pour les modals"
+generateAccessToken: "Générer un jeton d'accès"
+permission: "Autorisations "
+enableAll: "Tout activer"
+disableAll: "Tout désactiver"
+tokenRequested: "Autoriser l'accès au compte"
+pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "Ce plugin pourra utiliser les autorisations définies ici."
+notificationType: "Type de notifications"
+edit: "Editer"
+emailConfig: "Configuration du serveur email"
 smtpHost: "Hôte"
 smtpUser: "Nom d’utilisateur·rice"
 smtpPass: "Mot de passe"
@@ -1134,6 +1148,12 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "Vous avez reçu une demande d’abonnement"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "Votre demande d’abonnement a été accepté"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "Invité au groupe"
+  _types:
+    follow: "Abonnements"
+    mention: "Mentionner"
+    renote: "Renote"
+    quote: "Citer"
+    reaction: "Réactions"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "Toujours afficher la colonne principale"
   columnAlign: "Aligner les colonnes"
diff --git a/locales/ja-KS.yml b/locales/ja-KS.yml
index 2a27bcb97a..b12c3d45e0 100644
--- a/locales/ja-KS.yml
+++ b/locales/ja-KS.yml
@@ -439,6 +439,11 @@ _pages:
       array: "リスト"
   youWereFollowed: "フォローされたで"
+  _types:
+    follow: "フォロー"
+    renote: "Renote"
+    quote: "引用"
+    reaction: "リアクション"
     notifications: "通知"
diff --git a/locales/kab-KAB.yml b/locales/kab-KAB.yml
index 1caf280b9f..14aaa53e70 100644
--- a/locales/kab-KAB.yml
+++ b/locales/kab-KAB.yml
@@ -82,6 +82,9 @@ _pages:
       array: "Tibdarin"
   youWereFollowed: "Yeṭṭafaṛ-ik·em-id"
+  _types:
+    follow: "Ig ṭṭafaṛ"
+    mention: "Bder"
     notifications: "Ilɣuyen"
diff --git a/locales/ko-KR.yml b/locales/ko-KR.yml
index 3a919864d3..51e4c618e0 100644
--- a/locales/ko-KR.yml
+++ b/locales/ko-KR.yml
@@ -1120,6 +1120,12 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "새로운 팔로우 요청이 있습니다"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "팔로우 요청이 수락되었습니다"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "그룹에 초대되었습니다"
+  _types:
+    follow: "팔로잉"
+    mention: "멘션"
+    renote: "Renote"
+    quote: "인용"
+    reaction: "리액션"
     widgets: "위젯"
diff --git a/locales/zh-CN.yml b/locales/zh-CN.yml
index 3b2da488c0..d0ad7e8f3a 100644
--- a/locales/zh-CN.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-CN.yml
@@ -86,8 +86,8 @@ you: "您"
 clickToShow: "点击以显示"
 sensitive: "阅读注意"
 add: "添加"
-reaction: "反应"
-reactionSettingDescription: "选择您想要固定在反应选择器中的反应。"
+reaction: "回应"
+reactionSettingDescription: "选择您想要置顶的回应。"
 rememberNoteVisibility: "记录公开范围"
 attachCancel: "删除附件"
 markAsSensitive: "阅读注意"
@@ -104,6 +104,7 @@ unblockConfirm: "确定要解除屏蔽吗?"
 suspendConfirm: "要冻结吗?"
 unsuspendConfirm: "要解除冻结吗?"
 selectList: "选择列表"
+selectWidget: "选择小工具"
 customEmojis: "自定义Emoji"
 emoji: "表情符号"
 emojiName: "Emoji 名称"
@@ -364,7 +365,7 @@ resetPassword: "重置密码"
 newPasswordIs: "新的密码是「{password}」"
 autoReloadWhenDisconnected: "断开连接时自动重新加载"
 autoNoteWatch: "自动关注帖子"
-autoNoteWatchDescription: "让您能够收到关于「反应」和回复其他用户的帖子的通知。"
+autoNoteWatchDescription: "让您能够收到关于「回应」和回复其他用户的帖子的通知。"
 reduceUiAnimation: "减少UI动画"
 share: "分享"
 notFound: "未找到"
@@ -535,10 +536,22 @@ enableAll: "启用全部"
 disableAll: "禁用全部"
 tokenRequested: "允许访问账户"
 pluginTokenRequestedDescription: "此插件将能够拥有此处设置的权限"
+notificationType: "通知类型"
+edit: "编辑"
+useStarForReactionFallback: "如果回应的颜文字未知,则使用★作为代替"
+emailConfig: "邮件服务器设置"
+enableEmail: "启用发送邮件功能"
+emailConfigInfo: "用于确认电子邮件和密码重置"
+email: "邮件地址"
+smtpConfig: "SMTP服务器设置"
 smtpHost: "主机名"
 smtpPort: "端口"
 smtpUser: "用户名"
 smtpPass: "密码"
+emptyToDisableSmtpAuth: "用户名和密码留空可以禁用SMTP验证"
+smtpSecure: "在 SMTP 连接中使用隐式 SSL / TLS"
+smtpSecureInfo: "使用STARTTLS时关闭。"
+testEmail: "邮件发送测试"
   explore: "寻找主题"
   install: "安装主题"
@@ -651,8 +664,8 @@ _tutorial:
   step5_3: "要关注其他用户,请单击他的头像,然后在他的个人资料上按下“关注”按钮。"
   step5_4: "如果用户的名称旁边有锁定图标,则该用户需要手动批准您的关注请求。"
   step6_1: "现在,您将可以在时间线上看到其他用户的帖子。"
-  step6_2: "您还可以在其他人的帖子上进行「反应」,以快速做出简单回复。"
-  step6_3: "在他人的贴子上按下「+」图标,即可选择想要的表情来进行「反应」。"
+  step6_2: "您还可以在其他人的帖子上进行「回应」,以快速做出简单回复。"
+  step6_3: "在他人的贴子上按下「+」图标,即可选择想要的表情来进行「回应」。"
   step7_1: "对Misskey基本操作的简单介绍,到此结束了。 辛苦了!"
   step7_2: "如果你想了解更多有关Misskey的信息,请参见{help}。"
   step7_3: "接下来,享受Misskey带来的乐趣吧🚀"
@@ -1178,12 +1191,18 @@ _notification:
   youReceivedFollowRequest: "您有新的关注请求"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "您的关注请求已通过"
   youWereInvitedToGroup: "您有新的群组邀请"
+  _types:
+    follow: "关注中"
+    mention: "提及"
+    renote: "转发"
+    quote: "引用"
+    reaction: "回应"
   alwaysShowMainColumn: "总是显示主列"
   columnAlign: "列对齐"
   addColumn: "添加列"
-    widgets: "小部件"
+    widgets: "小工具"
     notifications: "通知"
     tl: "时间线"
     antenna: "天线"
diff --git a/locales/zh-TW.yml b/locales/zh-TW.yml
index bf90723ccf..bebe468e7f 100644
--- a/locales/zh-TW.yml
+++ b/locales/zh-TW.yml
@@ -673,6 +673,12 @@ _notification:
   youGotPoll: "{name}已投票"
   youWereFollowed: "您有新的追隨者"
   yourFollowRequestAccepted: "您的追隨請求已通過"
+  _types:
+    follow: "追隨中"
+    mention: "提及"
+    renote: "轉發貼文"
+    quote: "引用"
+    reaction: "反應"
     notifications: "通知"