/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { Column, Entity, Index, PrimaryColumn } from 'typeorm'; import { Serialized } from '@/types.js'; import { id } from './util/id.js'; export const systemWebhookEventTypes = [ // ユーザからの通報を受けたとき 'abuseReport', // 通報を処理したとき 'abuseReportResolved', ] as const; export type SystemWebhookEventType = typeof systemWebhookEventTypes[number]; @Entity('system_webhook') export class MiSystemWebhook { @PrimaryColumn(id()) public id: string; /** * 有効かどうか. */ @Index('IDX_system_webhook_isActive', { synchronize: false }) @Column('boolean', { default: true, }) public isActive: boolean; /** * 更新日時. */ @Column('timestamp with time zone', { default: () => 'CURRENT_TIMESTAMP', }) public updatedAt: Date; /** * 最後に送信された日時. */ @Column('timestamp with time zone', { nullable: true, }) public latestSentAt: Date | null; /** * 最後に送信されたステータスコード */ @Column('integer', { nullable: true, }) public latestStatus: number | null; /** * 通知設定名. */ @Column('varchar', { length: 255, }) public name: string; /** * イベント種別. */ @Index('IDX_system_webhook_on', { synchronize: false }) @Column('varchar', { length: 128, array: true, default: '{}', }) public on: SystemWebhookEventType[]; /** * Webhook送信先のURL. */ @Column('varchar', { length: 1024, }) public url: string; /** * Webhook検証用の値. */ @Column('varchar', { length: 1024, }) public secret: string; static deserialize(obj: Serialized): MiSystemWebhook { return { ...obj, updatedAt: new Date(obj.updatedAt), latestSentAt: obj.latestSentAt ? new Date(obj.latestSentAt) : null, }; } }