/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: syuilo and misskey-project , Type4ny-project * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test'; import * as assert from 'assert'; import { UserToken, api, post, signup } from '../utils.js'; import type * as misskey from 'misskey-js'; describe('API visibility', () => { describe('Note visibility', () => { //#region vars /** ヒロイン */ let alice: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; /** フォロワー */ let follower: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; /** 非フォロワー */ let other: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; /** 非フォロワーでもリプライやメンションをされた人 */ let target: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; /** specified mentionでmentionを飛ばされる人 */ let target2: misskey.entities.SignupResponse; /** public-post */ let pub: misskey.entities.Note; /** home-post */ let home: misskey.entities.Note; /** followers-post */ let fol: misskey.entities.Note; /** specified-post */ let spe: misskey.entities.Note; /** public-reply to target's post */ let pubR: misskey.entities.Note; /** home-reply to target's post */ let homeR: misskey.entities.Note; /** followers-reply to target's post */ let folR: misskey.entities.Note; /** specified-reply to target's post */ let speR: misskey.entities.Note; /** public-mention to target */ let pubM: misskey.entities.Note; /** home-mention to target */ let homeM: misskey.entities.Note; /** followers-mention to target */ let folM: misskey.entities.Note; /** specified-mention to target */ let speM: misskey.entities.Note; /** reply target post */ let tgt: misskey.entities.Note; //#endregion const show = async (noteId: misskey.entities.Note['id'], by?: UserToken) => { return await api('notes/show', { noteId, }, by); }; beforeAll(async () => { //#region prepare // signup alice = await signup({ username: 'alice' }); follower = await signup({ username: 'follower' }); other = await signup({ username: 'other' }); target = await signup({ username: 'target' }); target2 = await signup({ username: 'target2' }); // follow alice <= follower await api('following/create', { userId: alice.id }, follower); // normal posts pub = await post(alice, { text: 'x', visibility: 'public' }); home = await post(alice, { text: 'x', visibility: 'home' }); fol = await post(alice, { text: 'x', visibility: 'followers' }); spe = await post(alice, { text: 'x', visibility: 'specified', visibleUserIds: [target.id] }); // replies tgt = await post(target, { text: 'y', visibility: 'public' }); pubR = await post(alice, { text: 'x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'public' }); homeR = await post(alice, { text: 'x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'home' }); folR = await post(alice, { text: 'x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'followers' }); speR = await post(alice, { text: 'x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'specified' }); // mentions pubM = await post(alice, { text: '@target x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'public' }); homeM = await post(alice, { text: '@target x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'home' }); folM = await post(alice, { text: '@target x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'followers' }); speM = await post(alice, { text: '@target2 x', replyId: tgt.id, visibility: 'specified' }); //#endregion }); //#region show post // public test('[show] public-postを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pub.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-postをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pub.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-postを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pub.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-postを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pub.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); // home test('[show] home-postを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(home.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-postをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(home.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-postを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(home.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-postを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(home.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); // followers test('[show] followers-postを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(fol.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] followers-postをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(fol.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] followers-postを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(fol.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] followers-postを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(fol.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); // specified test('[show] specified-postを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(spe.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] specified-postを指定ユーザーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(spe.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] specified-postをフォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(spe.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-postを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(spe.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-postを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(spe.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); //#endregion //#region show reply // public test('[show] public-replyを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubR.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-replyをされた人が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubR.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-replyをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubR.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-replyを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubR.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] public-replyを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubR.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); // home test('[show] home-replyを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeR.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-replyをされた人が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeR.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-replyをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeR.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-replyを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeR.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] home-replyを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeR.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); // followers test('[show] followers-replyを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folR.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] followers-replyを非フォロワーでもリプライされていれば見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folR.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] followers-replyをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folR.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] followers-replyを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(folR.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] followers-replyを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(folR.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); // specified test('[show] specified-replyを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] specified-replyを指定ユーザーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] specified-replyをされた人が指定されてなくても見れる', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, 'x'); }); test('[show] specified-replyをフォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-replyを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-replyを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speR.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); //#endregion //#region show mention // public test('[show] public-mentionを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubM.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] public-mentionをされた人が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubM.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] public-mentionをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubM.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] public-mentionを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubM.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] public-mentionを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(pubM.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); // home test('[show] home-mentionを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeM.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] home-mentionをされた人が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeM.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] home-mentionをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeM.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] home-mentionを非フォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeM.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] home-mentionを未認証が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(homeM.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); // followers test('[show] followers-mentionを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folM.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] followers-mentionをメンションされていれば非フォロワーでも見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folM.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] followers-mentionをフォロワーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(folM.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target x'); }); test('[show] followers-mentionを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(folM.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] followers-mentionを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(folM.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); // specified test('[show] specified-mentionを自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target2 x'); }); test('[show] specified-mentionを指定ユーザーが見れる', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id, target); assert.strictEqual(res.body.text, '@target2 x'); }); test('[show] specified-mentionをされた人が指定されてなかったら見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id, target2); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-mentionをフォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-mentionを非フォロワーが見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id, other); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); test('[show] specified-mentionを未認証が見れない', async () => { const res = await show(speM.id); assert.strictEqual(res.body.isHidden, true); }); //#endregion //#region HTL test('[HTL] public-post が 自分が見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/timeline', { limit: 100 }, alice); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === pub.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, 'x'); }); test('[HTL] public-post が 非フォロワーから見れない', async () => { const res = await api('notes/timeline', { limit: 100 }, other); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === pub.id); assert.strictEqual(notes.length, 0); }); test('[HTL] followers-post が フォロワーから見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/timeline', { limit: 100 }, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === fol.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, 'x'); }); //#endregion //#region RTL test('[replies] followers-reply が フォロワーから見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/replies', { noteId: tgt.id, limit: 100 }, follower); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === folR.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, 'x'); }); test('[replies] followers-reply が 非フォロワー (リプライ先ではない) から見れない', async () => { const res = await api('notes/replies', { noteId: tgt.id, limit: 100 }, other); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === folR.id); assert.strictEqual(notes.length, 0); }); test('[replies] followers-reply が 非フォロワー (リプライ先である) から見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/replies', { noteId: tgt.id, limit: 100 }, target); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === folR.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, 'x'); }); //#endregion //#region MTL test('[mentions] followers-reply が 非フォロワー (リプライ先である) から見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/mentions', { limit: 100 }, target); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === folR.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, 'x'); }); test('[mentions] followers-mention が 非フォロワー (メンション先である) から見れる', async () => { const res = await api('notes/mentions', { limit: 100 }, target); assert.strictEqual(res.status, 200); const notes = res.body.filter((n: any) => n.id === folM.id); assert.strictEqual(notes[0].text, '@target x'); }); //#endregion }); });