import Vue from 'vue'; export default prop => ({ data() { return { connection: null }; }, computed: { $_ns_note_(): any { return this[prop]; }, $_ns_isRenote(): boolean { return (this.$_ns_note_.renote != null && this.$_ns_note_.text == null && this.$_ns_note_.fileIds.length == 0 && this.$_ns_note_.poll == null); }, $_ns_target(): any { return this.$_ns_isRenote ? this.$_ns_note_.renote : this.$_ns_note_; }, }, created() { if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) { this.connection = this.$; } }, mounted() { this.capture(true); if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) { this.connection.on('_connected_', this.onStreamConnected); } }, beforeDestroy() { this.decapture(true); if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) {'_connected_', this.onStreamConnected); } }, methods: { capture(withHandler = false) { if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) { const data = { id: this.$ } as any; if ( (this.$_ns_target.visibleUserIds || []).includes(this.$ || (this.$_ns_target.mentions || []).includes(this.$ ) { = true; } this.connection.send('sn', data); if (withHandler) this.connection.on('noteUpdated', this.onStreamNoteUpdated); } }, decapture(withHandler = false) { if (this.$store.getters.isSignedIn) { this.connection.send('un', { id: this.$ }); if (withHandler)'noteUpdated', this.onStreamNoteUpdated); } }, onStreamConnected() { this.capture(); }, onStreamNoteUpdated(data) { const { type, id, body } = data; if (id !== this.$ return; switch (type) { case 'reacted': { const reaction = body.reaction; if (this.$_ns_target.reactions == null) { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target, 'reactions', {}); } if (this.$_ns_target.reactions[reaction] == null) { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target.reactions, reaction, 0); } // Increment the count this.$_ns_target.reactions[reaction]++; if (body.userId == this.$ { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target, 'myReaction', reaction); } break; } case 'unreacted': { const reaction = body.reaction; if (this.$_ns_target.reactions == null) { return; } if (this.$_ns_target.reactions[reaction] == null) { return; } // Decrement the count if (this.$_ns_target.reactions[reaction] > 0) this.$_ns_target.reactions[reaction]--; if (body.userId == this.$ { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target, 'myReaction', null); } break; } case 'pollVoted': { const choice = body.choice; this.$_ns_target.poll.choices[choice].votes++; if (body.userId == this.$ { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target.poll.choices[choice], 'isVoted', true); } break; } case 'deleted': { Vue.set(this.$_ns_target, 'deletedAt', body.deletedAt); Vue.set(this.$_ns_target, 'renote', null); this.$_ns_target.text = null; this.$_ns_target.fileIds = []; this.$_ns_target.poll = null; this.$_ns_target.geo = null; this.$ = null; break; } } this.$emit(`update:${prop}`, this.$_ns_note_); }, } });