import * as mongo from 'mongodb';
const deepcopy = require('deepcopy');
import rap from '@prezzemolo/rap';
import db from '../db/mongodb';
import isObjectId from '../misc/is-objectid';
import { length } from 'stringz';
import { IUser, pack as packUser } from './user';
import { pack as packApp } from './app';
import PollVote from './poll-vote';
import Reaction from './note-reaction';
import { packMany as packFileMany, IDriveFile } from './drive-file';
import Favorite from './favorite';
import Following from './following';
import Emoji from './emoji';

const Note = db.get<INote>('notes');
Note.createIndex('uri', { sparse: true, unique: true });
Note.createIndex({ createdAt: -1 });
Note.createIndex({ score: -1 }, { sparse: true });
export default Note;

export function isValidCw(text: string): boolean {
	return length(text.trim()) <= 100;

export type INote = {
	_id: mongo.ObjectID;
	createdAt: Date;
	deletedAt: Date;
	fileIds: mongo.ObjectID[];
	replyId: mongo.ObjectID;
	renoteId: mongo.ObjectID;
	poll: IPoll;
	text: string;
	tags: string[];
	tagsLower: string[];
	emojis: string[];
	cw: string;
	userId: mongo.ObjectID;
	appId: mongo.ObjectID;
	viaMobile: boolean;
	localOnly: boolean;
	renoteCount: number;
	repliesCount: number;
	reactionCounts: any;
	mentions: mongo.ObjectID[];
	mentionedRemoteUsers: Array<{
		uri: string;
		username: string;
		host: string;

	 * public ... 公開
	 * home ... ホームタイムライン(ユーザーページのタイムライン含む)のみに流す
	 * followers ... フォロワーのみ
	 * specified ... visibleUserIds で指定したユーザーのみ
	visibility: 'public' | 'home' | 'followers' | 'specified';

	visibleUserIds: mongo.ObjectID[];

	geo: {
		coordinates: number[];
		altitude: number;
		accuracy: number;
		altitudeAccuracy: number;
		heading: number;
		speed: number;

	uri: string;

	 * 人気の投稿度合いを表すスコア
	score: number;

	// 非正規化
	_reply?: {
		userId: mongo.ObjectID;
	_renote?: {
		userId: mongo.ObjectID;
	_user: {
		host: string;
		inbox?: string;
	_files?: IDriveFile[];

export type IPoll = {
	choices: IChoice[]

export type IChoice = {
	id: number;
	text: string;
	votes: number;

export const hideNote = async (packedNote: any, meId: mongo.ObjectID) => {
	let hide = false;

	// visibility が private かつ投稿者のIDが自分のIDではなかったら非表示(後方互換性のため)
	if (packedNote.visibility == 'private' && (meId == null || !meId.equals(packedNote.userId))) {
		hide = true;

	// visibility が specified かつ自分が指定されていなかったら非表示
	if (packedNote.visibility == 'specified') {
		if (meId == null) {
			hide = true;
		} else if (meId.equals(packedNote.userId)) {
			hide = false;
		} else {
			// 指定されているかどうか
			const specified = packedNote.visibleUserIds.some((id: any) => meId.equals(id));

			if (specified) {
				hide = false;
			} else {
				hide = true;

	// visibility が followers かつ自分が投稿者のフォロワーでなかったら非表示
	if (packedNote.visibility == 'followers') {
		if (meId == null) {
			hide = true;
		} else if (meId.equals(packedNote.userId)) {
			hide = false;
		} else {
			// フォロワーかどうか
			const following = await Following.findOne({
				followeeId: packedNote.userId,
				followerId: meId

			if (following == null) {
				hide = true;
			} else {
				hide = false;

	if (hide) {
		packedNote.fileIds = [];
		packedNote.files = [];
		packedNote.text = null;
		packedNote.poll = null; = null;
		packedNote.tags = [];
		packedNote.geo = null;
		packedNote.isHidden = true;

export const packMany = (
	notes: (string | mongo.ObjectID | INote)[],
	me?: string | mongo.ObjectID | IUser,
	options?: {
		detail?: boolean;
		skipHide?: boolean;
) => {
	return Promise.all( => pack(n, me, options)));

 * Pack a note for API response
 * @param note target
 * @param me? serializee
 * @param options? serialize options
 * @return response
export const pack = async (
	note: string | mongo.ObjectID | INote,
	me?: string | mongo.ObjectID | IUser,
	options?: {
		detail?: boolean;
		skipHide?: boolean;
) => {
	const opts = Object.assign({
		detail: true,
		skipHide: false
	}, options);

	// Me
	const meId: mongo.ObjectID = me
		? isObjectId(me)
			? me as mongo.ObjectID
			: typeof me === 'string'
				? new mongo.ObjectID(me)
				: (me as IUser)._id
		: null;

	let _note: any;

	// Populate the note if 'note' is ID
	if (isObjectId(note)) {
		_note = await Note.findOne({
			_id: note
	} else if (typeof note === 'string') {
		_note = await Note.findOne({
			_id: new mongo.ObjectID(note)
	} else {
		_note = deepcopy(note);

	// (データベースの欠損などで)投稿がデータベース上に見つからなかったとき
	if (_note == null) {
		console.warn(`[DAMAGED DB] (missing) pkg: note :: ${note}`);
		return null;

	const id = _note._id;

	// _note._userを消す前か、_note.userを解決した後でないとホストがわからない
	if (_note._user) {
		const host =;
		// 互換性のため。(古いMisskeyではNoteにemojisが無い)
		if (_note.emojis == null) {
			_note.emojis = Emoji.find({
				host: host
			}, {
				fields: { _id: false }
		} else {
			_note.emojis = Emoji.find({
				name: { $in: _note.emojis },
				host: host
			}, {
				fields: { _id: false }

	// Rename _id to id = _note._id;
	delete _note._id;

	delete _note.prev;
	delete _note.tagsLower;
	delete _note.score;
	delete _note._user;
	delete _note._reply;
	delete _note._renote;
	delete _note._files;
	delete _note._replyIds;

	if (_note.geo) delete _note.geo.type;

	// Populate user
	_note.user = packUser(_note.userId, meId);

	// Populate app
	if (_note.appId) { = packApp(_note.appId);

	// Populate files
	_note.files = packFileMany(_note.fileIds || []);

	// Some counts
	_note.renoteCount = _note.renoteCount || 0;
	_note.repliesCount = _note.repliesCount || 0;
	_note.reactionCounts = _note.reactionCounts || {};

	// 後方互換性のため
	_note.mediaIds = _note.fileIds; = _note.files;

	// When requested a detailed note data
	if (opts.detail) {
		if (_note.replyId) {
			// Populate reply to note
			_note.reply = pack(_note.replyId, meId, {
				detail: false

		if (_note.renoteId) {
			// Populate renote
			_note.renote = pack(_note.renoteId, meId, {
				detail: _note.text == null

		// Poll
		if (meId && _note.poll) {
			_note.poll = (async poll => {
				const vote = await PollVote
						userId: meId,
						noteId: id

				if (vote != null) {
					const myChoice = poll.choices
						.filter((c: any) => == vote.choice)[0];

					myChoice.isVoted = true;

				return poll;

		if (meId) {
			// Fetch my reaction
			_note.myReaction = (async () => {
				const reaction = await Reaction
						userId: meId,
						noteId: id,
						deletedAt: { $exists: false }

				if (reaction) {
					return reaction.reaction;

				return null;

			// isFavorited
			_note.isFavorited = (async () => {
				const favorite = await Favorite
						userId: meId,
						noteId: id
					}, {
						limit: 1

				return favorite === 1;

	// resolve promises in _note object
	_note = await rap(_note);

	//#region (データベースの欠損などで)参照しているデータがデータベース上に見つからなかったとき
	if (_note.user == null) {
		console.warn(`[DAMAGED DB] (missing) pkg: note -> user :: ${} (user ${_note.userId})`);
		return null;

	if (opts.detail) {
		if (_note.replyId != null && _note.reply == null) {
			console.warn(`[DAMAGED DB] (missing) pkg: note -> reply :: ${} (reply ${_note.replyId})`);
			return null;

		if (_note.renoteId != null && _note.renote == null) {
			console.warn(`[DAMAGED DB] (missing) pkg: note -> renote :: ${} (renote ${_note.renoteId})`);
			return null;

	if (_note.user.isCat && _note.text) {
		_note.text = (_note.text
			// ja-JP
			.replace(/な/g, 'にゃ').replace(/ナ/g, 'ニャ').replace(/ナ/g, 'ニャ')
			// ko-KR
			.replace(/[나-낳]/g, (match: string) => String.fromCharCode(
				match.codePointAt(0)  + '냐'.charCodeAt(0) - '나'.charCodeAt(0)

	if (!opts.skipHide) {
		await hideNote(_note, meId);

	return _note;