import { strictEqual } from 'assert'; import { readFile } from 'fs/promises'; import { dirname, join } from 'path'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'; import * as Misskey from 'misskey-js'; import { SwitchCaseResponseType } from 'misskey-js/api.types.js'; const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url); const __dirname = dirname(__filename); /** used for avoiding overload and some endpoints */ type Request = ( endpoint: E, params: P, credential?: string | null ) => Promise>; export const ADMIN_PARAMS = { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }; export async function signin(host: string, params: Misskey.entities.SigninRequest): Promise { // wait for a second to prevent hit rate limit await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000)); console.log(`Sign in to @${params.username}@${host} ...`); return await (new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}`, fetch: (input, init) => fetch(input, { ...init, headers: { ...init?.headers, 'Content-Type': init?.headers['Content-Type'] != null ? init.headers['Content-Type'] : 'application/json', }, }), }).request as Request)('signin', params) .then(res => { console.log(`Signed in to @${params.username}@${host}`); return res; }) .catch(async err => { if ( === '22d05606-fbcf-421a-a2db-b32610dcfd1b') { await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.random() * 5000)); return await signin(host, params); } throw err; }); } async function createAdmin(host: string): Promise { const client = new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}` }); return await client.request('admin/accounts/create', ADMIN_PARAMS).then(res => { console.log(`Successfully created admin account: @${ADMIN_PARAMS.username}@${host}`); return res as Misskey.entities.SignupResponse; }).then(async res => { await client.request('admin/roles/update-default-policies', { policies: { rateLimitFactor: 0 as never, }, }, res.token); return res; }).catch(err => { if ( === 'access denied') { console.log(`Admin account already exists: @${ADMIN_PARAMS.username}@${host}`); return undefined; } throw err; }); } export async function fetchAdmin(host: string): Promise<[Misskey.entities.SigninResponse, Misskey.api.APIClient]> { const admin = await signin(host, ADMIN_PARAMS) .catch(async err => { if ( === '6cc579cc-885d-43d8-95c2-b8c7fc963280') { await createAdmin(host); return await signin(host, ADMIN_PARAMS); } else if ( === '22d05606-fbcf-421a-a2db-b32610dcfd1b') { return await signin(host, ADMIN_PARAMS); } throw err; }); return [admin, new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}`, credential: admin.i })]; } export async function createAccount(host: string, adminClient: Misskey.api.APIClient): Promise<[Misskey.entities.SigninResponse, Misskey.api.APIClient, { username: string; password: string }]> { const username = crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', '').substring(0, 20); const password = crypto.randomUUID().replaceAll('-', ''); await adminClient.request('admin/accounts/create', { username, password }); console.log(`Created an account: @${username}@${host}`); const signinRes = await signin(host, { username, password }); return [ signinRes, new Misskey.api.APIClient({ origin: `https://${host}`, credential: signinRes.i }), { username, password }, ]; } function parseAcct(acct: string): { username: string; host: string | null } { const split = (acct.startsWith('@') ? acct.substring(1) : acct).split('@', 2); return { username: split[0], host: split[1] ?? null }; } export async function resolveRemoteAccount(from_acct: string, to_acct: string, fromClient?: Misskey.api.APIClient): Promise { const [from, to] = [parseAcct(from_acct), parseAcct(to_acct)]; const fromAdminClient: Misskey.api.APIClient = fromClient ?? (await fetchAdmin(from.username))[1]; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { console.log(`Resolving @${to.username}@${} from @${from.username}@${} ...`); fromAdminClient.request('ap/show', { uri: `https://${}/@${to.username}` }) .then(res => { console.log(`Resolved @${to.username}@${} from @${from.username}@${}`); strictEqual(res.type, 'User'); strictEqual(res.object.url, `https://${}/@${to.username}`); resolve(res); }) .catch(err => reject(err)); }); } export async function uploadFile(host: string, path: string, token: string): Promise { const filename = path.split('/').pop() ?? 'untitled'; const blob = new Blob([await readFile(join(__dirname, path))]); const body = new FormData(); body.append('i', token); body.append('force', 'true'); body.append('file', blob); body.append('name', filename); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fetch(`https://${host}/api/drive/files/create`, { method: 'POST', body, }).then(async res => { resolve(await res.json()); }).catch(err => { reject(err); }); }); }